Hans Theys est un philosophe du XXe siècle, agissant comme critique d’art et commissaire d'exposition pour apprendre plus sur la pratique artistique. Il a écrit des dizaines de livres sur l'art contemporain et a publié des centaines d’essais, d’interviews et de critiques dans des livres, des catalogues et des magazines. Toutes ses publications sont basées sur des collaborations et des conversations avec les artistes en question.

Cette plateforme a été créée par Evi Bert (Centrum Kunstarchieven Vlaanderen) en collaboration avec l'Académie royale des Beaux-Arts à Anvers (Groupe de Recherche ArchiVolt), M HKA, Anvers et Koen Van der Auwera. Nous remercions vivement Idris Sevenans (HOR) et Marc Ruyters (Hart Magazine).


Idris Sevenans - 2020 - Something that Already has been Done in the Sixties [EN, essay]
Texte , 1 p.



Hans Theys



Something that Already has been Done in the Sixties

About Idris Sevenans



Idris Sevenans (Antwerp, 1991) creates sculptures, films, exhibitions, junk mail, and books (including ‘Stoppen met Lezen’ and ‘De Computer’, about Marcel van Maele), runs a shop with remarkable products (the unrealistic initiative ‘Troebel Neyntje’), and has founded his own school: AARS (Antwerp Artist Run School).

The twentieth-century philosopher Bedrich Eisenhoet (Bangladesh, 1936) described this ubiquitous jack-of-all-trades as ‘an infallible bullshit detector’, as well as ‘something already done in the 1960s, but crispier’. Eisenhoet has remained stuck in the ‘60s himself; it takes one to know one.

Living in a world where we are incessantly being bombarded with patronizing regulations, ugly images and ludicrous twaddle aimed at making us consumers of pointless, useless, tasteless, colourless, and bloody boring stuff we don’t need, living in such a world, we joyfully salute the aikido-like way in which Sevenans floors this ineradicable nonsense with a single spiral movement.


Montagne de Miel, 5 February 2020