Hans Theys is a twentieth-century philosopher and art historian. He has written and designed dozens of books on the works of contemporary artists and published hundreds of essays, interviews and reviews in books, catalogues and magazines. All his publications are based on actual collaborations and conversations with artists.

This platform was developed by Evi Bert (M HKA / Centrum Kunstarchieven Vlaanderen) in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Research group Archivolt), M HKA, Antwerp and Koen Van der Auwera. We also thank Idris Sevenans (HOR) and Marc Ruyters (Hart Magazine).


xpo - 2010 - For Your Eyes Only [EN, concept text], 2010
Text , 2 p.

Tuesday, 15 January 2009

Concerning : Invitation to participate in an exhibition of paintings in the city of Brussels, Belgium

To Mary Heilmann

Dear Mary,

I would like you to participate in an art show that would take place in the spring of 2009.

Thinking about how I could contribute something valuable to the local art world, I thought it might be interesting to invite some internationally known painters whose work has never or rarely been exhibited in Belgium. Obviously a painting is more than an image. It needs to be seen in reality. All too often, we think we know a work of art, whereas we only know it from reproductions. Young artists and old art critics (like me) need to see the real stuff. This is the only “concept” of the show. There is no “theme”. The idea is something like: which (available) painting would you like painters and other people in Belgium to see if it were the only painting that would ever get there (here)?

The title of the show will be “For Your Eyes Only” unless one of you proposes a better one.

As an art critic and maker of books on art, I like to collaborate closely with the artists whose work I write about. Organizing shows is one way to do this.

The exhibition will take place in a public space called ‘De Markten’ in the centre of the city of Brussels (the capital of Belgium).

The participants of the show are Alona Harpaz (Berlin), Pia Dehne (New York), Kati Heck (Antwerp), Andrea Lehmann (Düsseldorf), Kirsten Lampert (Düsseldorf), Viviane Klagsbrun (Antwerp), Maureen Gallace (New York), Dorothy Iannone (Berlin), Esther Stocker (Vienna), Mary Heilmann (New York), Marilyn Minter (New York), Hilary Harkness (New York), Cindy Wright (Antwerp), Tina Gillen (Brussels), Ellen de Meutter (Antwerp) and Annick Lizein (Brussels).

All expenses (transportation, insurance, etc.) will be taken care of by us.

I really hope you will consider loaning a painting for the show. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hoping for a positive reply, I salute you with love,
