Hans Theys ist Philosoph und Kunsthistoriker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er schrieb und gestaltete fünzig Bücher über zeitgenössische Kunst und veröffentlichte zahlreiche Aufsätze, Interviews und Rezensionen in Büchern, Katalogen und Zeitschriften. 

Diese Plattform wurde von Evi Bert (M HKA : Centrum Kunstarchieven Vlaanderen) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerpen (Forschungsgruppe ArchiVolt), M HKA, Antwerpen und Koen Van der Auwera entwickelt. Vielen Dank an Fuchs von Neustadt, Idris Sevenans (HOR) und Marc Ruyters (Hart Magazine).


Fran Van Coppenolle - 2024 - Breathing space [EN, essay]
Text , 1 p.




Hans Theys


Fran Van Coppenolle (b. 1998) grew up on a large estate with meadows, fields, hangars, sculpting studios, stables, animals, trees, a pond, forklifts and various agricultural machines that she handles with grace, ease and lightness.

Surrounded and inspired by a myriad of objects left behind by her ancestors, she bends, welds and paints metal. She carves, screws, glues and paints wood. She creates surprising volumes by combining metal, wood and found pieces of textile. Unforeseeable materials are put under tension, tightened, braided, glued, screwed and sewn together until they begin to form captivating objects. The resulting shapes spring from the characteristics of the used materials and from a play with colour and symmetry, which unintentionally calls to mind flowers, birds or airplanes. At the same time, she seeks subtle asymmetries that seem to bring these sculptures to life.

Thus she creates breathing space for all of us without asking anyone for permission.


Montagne de Miel, 3 January 2024